Sermon for October 4, 2020

I am no farmer. I can’t even claim to be much more of a gardener other than having occasionally grown tomatoes next to my house growing up. And so when engaging with the readings this weekend that deal with planting and harvest and vineyards, I turned to Jeffrey...

Sermon for September 27, 2020

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, our second reading we just heard read by Kathy, there is a strong focus on oneness and unity. He wrote, “be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” And we know that this theme of unity can be...

Sermon for September 20, 2020

Jonah–Whenever I hear Jonah’s name, my mind immediately thinks of one thingThe whale. And as a child, that was a pretty magnificent part of Jonah’s story to learn. It’s not every day that a person is chucked into the sea, swallowed by a whale, somehow lives for three...

Sermon for September 13, 2020

Seventy-seven times. Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t carry a book around with me to note how many times I have forgiven certain people. I can’t say: “Great Job Thelma! You’ve only needed to be forgiven twice! Uh oh Thaddeus! Forgiven 76 times already. Just one...

Sermon for September 6, 2020

Two weeks ago, with our friend Peter, Jesus said he was the rock upon which the church would stand. Whatever Peter would bind on earth would be bound in heaven and whatever Peter would loose on earth would be loosed on heaven. This week, Jesus returns to that theme of...