Wednesday Bible Study 10 a.m. Learn and grow in the Bible as we walk through the lessons to be covered on the coming Sunday. This study will give you insight into our Sunday lessons that will help you to more fully appreciate worship. Contact Pastor Barb for information on how to participate via Zoom.
Sunday School is available for children from pre-school through 6th grade! It meets at 8:30am Sunday mornings before worship. OUr excellent teachers help the children learn more about their faith through reading Bible stories, crafts and other activities. For those unable to attend in person, a virtual option is available. Reach out to the office for details in how to participate in that manner!
Confirmation is the program offered for youth who have been baptized and wish to make the baptismal vows their own! We meet on Wednesday evenings to learn about the foundations of our faith, to study scripture, to sing beloved hymns, and offer mutual support to one another.